Payment & Currency Converter

We accept many different types of payments, including Credit Card, PayPal, Afterpay (Australian customers only), ZipPay, and Sezzle.

UGG Since 1974 is an Australian company, based in Australia. For your shopping convenience, we’ve enabled a Currency Converter on our website, so if you’re a happy customer based overseas, you’ll see our prices load in your own currency. If you prefer to shop in Australian dollars (or another currency for that matter), you can change this at the top right- hand corner of the screen. Since all of our products are anchored against the Australian dollar, you may notice that our prices fluctuate over time, depending on how your currency is performing at the time you visit our website.

Please be aware that because we are an Australian company, your cart will always display the total value of your order in Australian dollars when you reach the checkout. We are unable to display the total value of your order in your local/selected currency – and remember, you can only buy our products within Australia or via our online store. However, our Currency Converter can easily assist you to calculate the equivalent charge in your local currency.  

If you pay via PayPal, you can choose to pay in your own local currency. Please note that if you choose to pay via Credit Card, you will be charged in Australian dollars.

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